My School helps you choose the right choice of institution within Nigeria by providing you with all the necessary resources and information needed. There's no perfect school, but there's the right school for you.
You can compare 2 or 3 institutions at a time in other to find the best school that has all the criteria you need.
There's no perfect school, but there's the ideal school. Find out the current best schools in Nigeria based on their rankings.
Stay updated with the latest information updates from different schools about their Post-UTME dates, Interviews and many more.
Some schools need Jamb for students to get admitted while some others don't. List of schools admiting undergraduate students.
Postgraduate degrees are available for students who have successfully completed their undergraduates degree. List of schools admitting postgraduate students.
JUPEB is a national examinations body approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria in December 2013. Here's a list of schools admitting JUPEB students.
List of schools admiting Continuous Education Programme students.
List of schools admiting Masters students. We can you find the best school
List of schools admiting Diploma students. We can you find the best school
List of schools admiting Prescience students. We can you find the best school
List of schools admiting undergraduate students. We can you find the best school